Claims Detective

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Further; if this translation of aionios as “eternal,” in the sense of endless, be correct, aion must mean eternity, i

Further; if this translation of aionios as “eternal,” in the sense of endless, be correct, aion must mean eternity, i But if an aion be not infinite, what right have we to render the adjective aionios (which depends for its meaning on aion) by the terms “eternal” (when used as the equivalent of “endless”) and …

Further; if this translation of aionios as “eternal,” in the sense of endless, be correct, aion must mean eternity, i Read More »

Not sure what the inconsistency is supposed to be here

Not sure what the inconsistency is supposed to be here My personal favorite is the claim that Al Qaeda was not “fully fledged” in 1996–the year that bin Laden issued his fatwa openly declaring war on the United States. One can consistently (indeed, easily) assert that The Times is biased–and that the Times contains the …

Not sure what the inconsistency is supposed to be here Read More »